The Fly Your Flags Over Hoover Dam ride returns next Sunday, May 26th beginning at 10am on the AZ side of Hoover Dam. There are always many hundreds of riders and we love this event every year. The event always occurs on the Sunday of Memorial Day weekend, and we always get requests a month or more in advance of folks asking about it.
The Vietnam Vets – Legacy Vets Motorcycle Club started this run back in 1994 and ALL riders are welcome to join them for the 2.5 mile long procession across Hoover Dam, ending at Boulder City’s Veterans Memorial Cemetery for a short ceremony by the U.S. Army Special Forces – Green Berets.
If you’re a rider, you might want to join ’em. If you aren’t, consider picking a spot on the way up from Hoover Dam to watch the ride! If you’ve never been, you’re missing out – and all we can say, is ‘bring a hanky’ ’cause you will need one.
Thank you to all who served and all who honor loved ones who made the ultimate sacrifice. God Bless the USA.