The Boulder City Lions Club Golf Tournament will take place on Saturday, November 9, 2024 at Boulder City Municipal Golf Course (located at 1 Clubhouse Drive). Registration begins at 7:00AM. The scramble format tournament’s shotgun start is 8:00AM. The cost for an individual golfer is $100 and teams may register for $400. This includes one round of golf (18 holes), a golf cart, beverage ticket, and post tournament lunches. Prizes will be given in several categories and golfers may win raffle prizes as well. Hurry and register as the deadline is Friday, October 25 with payments due by Friday, November 1. For more information, please contact Sharie at (702) 540-0578.
The Current Week’s Happenings
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Bloom Boutiques is pleased to announce they will be greeting customers at The Warehouse,...[More...]

Swing into Spring is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. The...[More...]

Railroad Pass Hotel and Casino is pleased to offer a number of specials for the month of...[More...]

My, how the time has FLOWN by!!! Snap Fitness turns 10! They’re having a party...[More...]

Make plans to treat your special sweetheart to a wonderful meal at Toto’s Mexican...[More...]