Have you driven down this brand new road yet? Do you know where we are?
Many of you are aware that the long worked for and long awaited expansion of the Nevada State Railroad Museum, Boulder City is now under construction! We’ve been watching those earth movers starting to clear that land routinely. But how many of you have driven down the new access road yet?
We don’t yet know the name it will be called, those street signs aren’t in place yet, but the frontage or access road that visitors will use to come and go from the location is all set up and ready for folks. Dr. Christopher MacMahon, museum director, tells us this should be happening in the next few weeks.
Even better, that street adds needed parking and safety for the businesses that front along Boulder City Parkway and we know they are grateful for it.
We’ll keep an eye out and keep you posted as they make progress on this project and look forward to seeing you here soon!