Last night the City Council met to discuss and give direction to staff regarding the divisive issue of Short Term Rentals (STRs) in Boulder City. They were to consider whether Title 11 – Zoning and Subdivisions would remain the same (prohibiting STRs) or be modified in some way (allow STRs through regulation). This has been an issue of discussion since earlier this summer. We covered the Town Hall meeting HERE and the previously released survey results HERE.
Approximately 50 members of the public were in attendance at the meeting at City Hall, with approximately a dozen callers during public comment, and a similar number of written public comments submitted prior to the meeting and read. Several City Council members spoke of the informal polls they’d taken over the course of the discussion period as well. The overwhelming response from the public was to continue to prohibit the availability of STRs in Boulder City. The packet and backup can be found HERE.
Community Development Department Director Michael Mays presented a brief presentation to the City Council with the parameters for STRs in neighboring municipalities, the public survey results previously published, restrictions and allowances of commercial activities within residential zones. City Council members asked a few basic questions of Director Mays.
Each City Council member was given a few minutes to speak on the topic by Mayor Hardy. A vote was then taken to determine the fate of STRs in Boulder City. In the end, the vote was 4-1 to continue to prohibit STRs in Boulder City, with Members Booth, Hardy, Jorgensen and Walton voting AYE to continue the restriction of STRs and Member Fox voting NAY. The meeting concluded with public comment and was then gaveled to a close. To watch the meeting in its entirety, click HERE.