Skinny Bar, a popular local cocktail bar, is excited to announce Acoustic Open Mic Night each Thursday at the venue. Located conveniently downtown at 524 Nevada Way, amateur and professional guitarists are invited to entertain the patrons weekly during the open mic time. Come listen to local musicians and enjoy incredible cocktails by the mixologists at Skinny Bar soon! Open Mic Night begins at 8:00PM!
The Current Week’s Happenings
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Bloom Boutiques is pleased to announce they will be greeting customers at The Warehouse,...[More...]

Swing into Spring is scheduled for Saturday, April 5, 2025 from 9:00AM to 4:00PM. The...[More...]

Railroad Pass Hotel and Casino is pleased to offer a number of specials for the month of...[More...]

My, how the time has FLOWN by!!! Snap Fitness turns 10! They’re having a party...[More...]

Make plans to treat your special sweetheart to a wonderful meal at Toto’s Mexican...[More...]