Do you have a green thumb? Or are you planning to expanding on your gardening skills for 2025? Local gardeners have a couple events scheduled in the next few weeks that will help you get started and your plants growing! We caught up with Master Gardener Cheryl Waites (she’s also the Hollyhock Lady here in town!) and she let us know about three important events coming up at the Community Gardens, located at 300 Railroad Avenue, adjacent to the Old Water Filtration Plant.
Mornings at the Gardens, Saturday, January 25, 2025 from 8:30AM to 10:30AM: Join the Community Gardeners for coffee, snacks and garden walk and talk! Topics are upcoming events, their Little Free Library and prepping for spring gardening!
Community Seed Swap, Saturday, February 1, 2025 from 9:00AM to 12:00PM: It’s that time of year, our new seed catalogs are coming in, they’re dreaming of gardening, let’s do it! On site workshops for starting your garden indoors (oh yeah) and seed banking! Got seeds? Bring ’em! Need seeds? They got ’em!
The local gardening enthusiasts are also planning ahead for the 2025 Backyard Bird Count on Friday, February 14, 2025. We’ll bring you more information about that important event as we get closer to it.
We previously told you about the City’s Community Garden project HERE. From that article:
The City has provided an area for community gardeners to come together and create special spaces to enjoy the popular hobby of gardening. The Community Gardens opened in 1994 have have been growing strong ever since then! The gardens consist of 24 individual plots and one herb garden for all the gardeners.
The City’s Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for managing the garden as city-owned property and issues annual use agreements to the individual users of the gardens. The gardeners themselves are responsible for their individual plots, the plantings, and maintenance of individual plots. Among the community gardeners, there are different levels of knowledge of expertise: from novice, beginning gardeners to the advanced Master Gardeners (a designation that is achieved thru the University of Nevada, Reno’s extension program offered each fall). In the spirit of community, the gardeners with more experience often mentor and hand down that knowledge to the novices.
Gardening is a popular activity here in Boulder City! If you would like to be added to the waiting list for a spot at the Community Gardens, call the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Department at 293-9256 during regular business hours.
There are also a few Facebook groups gardeners can join to enjoy the growing group of talented gardeners in the city. One group is the Boulder City Garden Club (HERE) and the other is Mojave Masters Garden Club (HERE). Another helpful group is the University of Nevada, Reno Extension of Master Gardeners (HERE). The UNR Master Gardeners also have a website for Clark County (HERE). Some of these groups meet regularly, in person, with content relevant to the pursuit of beautiful and healthy gardens. Lastly, there is also a Facebook Group page for the Community Gardens itself (HERE).
Here’s to continuing the tradition of clean, GREEN, Boulder City!