The City of Boulder City offers a handy way to report neighborhood concerns via your smartphone, the City’s website, or the on the web. Here are the links to the various methods of reporting.
- 🍎 Download from the Apple App Store: CLICK HERE
- 🤖 Download from the Google Play Store: CLICK HERE
- 🏛 Report on City’s website: CLICK HERE
- 🌎 Report on the SeeClickFix website: CLICK HERE
This program allows users to report any issue to the City that is quality of life related, such as: property complaints, sidewalk or street repairs, irrigation leaks, water waste, street lights out, junk or maintenance complaints or other related issues.
Users can view the above in two ways – as a map, or a list of the current items. Red dots are new issues, green dots are issues that have been acknowledged and blue dots mean they are completed. When users submit, they can do it anonymously if desired, and can elect to receive follow up emails as updates are given on the item.
The program also allows users to submit photos of the problem or complaint and attach them with the request. We’ve used this system several times and found it easy to use. City staff are good at providing feedback as the request goes thru the system and the reporting party can go back and look at the submitted request to check the status at any time.