Yard Sales

- Yard sales must be at residential properties in Boulder City or be a not-for-profit fundraising ‘rummage sale’ located on their own commercial property.
- ‘Swap Meet’ or ‘Farmer’s Market’ – type events are not eligible, whether or not not-for-profit organizations are participating as one of the vendors.
- They must be ‘traditional’ yard or garage sales, consisting of your multiple personally used items on display in your garage or yard on specific day(s) & time(s) … (i.e. we’re not a Craig’s List alternative for individual items that people should call you about coming to see.)
- Please submit your yard sale no earlier than one week (7 days) before the first date of your sale.
- The deadline submission for the upcoming weekend is THURSDAYS at 5pm.
- We cannot remove or edit your listing if you cancel, change or forgot something.
Once you’ve submitted the form below, you will receive an auto-confirmation letting you know it arrived a-okay and we’ll typically post your sale within 24 hours (but not until the Sunday before your sale if you submitted it earlier than that). Okay … LET’S GO!