The City of Boulder City announced the closing of the filing period for two City Council seats up for reelection this year. Seven candidates filed including incumbents Matt Fox and Sherri Jorgensen, which means there will be a primary election on June 11. This election, as with all elections since 2020, will be conducted by mail, although in-person voting will be available for early voting and on Election Day.
Other important information about registering to vote and various election deadlines are as follows:
- EARLY VOTING: May 25 through June 7 at Clark County Voting Centers. There will be Early Voting in Boulder City from Tuesday June 4 thru Friday June 7 at the Boulder City Parks and Recreation Gym (900 Arizona Street). You can find out more at the City’s website HERE.
- ELECTION DAY: Voters may vote in-person at any Clark County Voting Centers. Those are listed HERE.
The candidates and their contact information is as follows (candidates pictured above and listed alphabetically below):
- Denise Ashurst: Her email address is HERE and her phone number is (702) 858-0434.
- Tyler Barton: His email address is HERE and his phone number is (702) 927-8825.
- Matt Fox (incumbent): His email address is HERE and his phone number is (702) 466-3694.
- Sherri Jorgensen (incumbent): Her email address is HERE and her phone number is (702) 204-8633.
- Daniel R “Dan” Patterson: His email address is HERE and his phone number is (702) 381-3475. Mr. Patterson’s campaign website is HERE. He also maintains social media profiles on Facebook, Instagram and X (Twitter) at @dpattersonusa.
- Susan Reams: Her email address is HERE and her phone number is (702) 908-3378.
- Tom Tyler: His email address is HERE and his phone number is (702) 480-8855.
As in past election cycles, you can count on us to bring you more about each candidate in conjunction with Roger Gros, of Boulder City Podcast. Stay tuned for your chance to learn more about the people vying for these seats!