Today we’re excited to introduce you to another local author, Scott Roux. In case you’ve missed previous articles, we’ve learned that there are nearly two dozen authors locally here in town. We created this series to share the authors stories and to let all of you – prospective readers – get to hear about their works.
Also notable is that he has a Book Signing today, Friday, February 16th from 4 – 8pm at the Boulder Dam Hotel lobby!
Please share a short bio to introduce yourself.
Scott Roux is passionate about life and sharing what he’s learned with others. Scott feels that all people have potential. He’s made it his goal to help the next generation find their purpose. When he’s not helping people, he can be found around family and friends.
My book has been out just over a year and I am a first time author. Presently, I have won 4 awards; American book fest finalist, 5 star finalist for Readerschoice; 2nd place bookfest and my latest, Independent Authors Book of the Year-finalist.
I have lived in Boulder City for 4 years now; volunteer at St Jude’s Ranch and the Senior Center in BC.
Please tell us about the book(s) you’ve written and a short synopsis.
“Everything Has Meaning” has been out just over a year and I am a first-time author. When two tons of truck smashed into his vehicle, Scott Roux’s life would never be the same. Leaving the hospital with a broken foot, severe headache and a sore back, Scott thought all he had to do was heal. But traumatic brain injury would change his life forever.
Losing his short-term memory and his ability to continue as an executive salesman, his comprehension dropped to a third-grade level. How could he continue his life when he wasn’t who he used to be? Scott used his passion for life to push himself forward in the face of crippling circumstances. Now he shares his secrets to a fulfilling life with you. Through stories of the past and hope for the future, this book will help you to understand that Everything Has Meaning.
What inspired you to write it?
Like many men Scott fought his own battles in an often very cruel world. Like others he climbed to the top of his profession. But then, when he had reached his pinnacle of success, fate visited. Scott lost everything. He would start over. He would struggle to rebuild his life one challenging brick at a time. That journey took him to places he would have never gone, but places that changed everything. Scott’s eyes opened, and his heart and mind opened to things he would have otherwise never known. This is the story of one man who climbed out of the darkest abyss and today literally flies with the eagles.
The book can also be ordered on Amazon HERE.